A unique sestertius from the A. Cuzzi Collection, Baranowski, 9 December 1929, 825
Los 1634
Caracalla, 198-217. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 34 mm, 25.37 g, 1 h), Rome, 215. M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Laureate and cuirassed bust of Caracalla to right, seen from behind. Rev. P M TR P XVIII IMP III COS IIII P P / S C Lion, radiate, advancing left, holding thunderbolt in his jaws. BMC 290 note (this coin). Cohen 335 var. (differing bust type). RIC 548b (this coin). Unique and of great interest. A bold and attractive coin with a fine pedigree. Somewhat smoothed, otherwise, very fine.

From the A. Cuzzi Collection, Part I, Baranowski, 9 December 1929, 825.

For a longer note on the symbolism of Caracalla's radiate lion, see Leu 3 (2018), 259. The type only very rarely appears on sestertii, and this example is not only the first to be offered in the past twenty years, it is also unique with the cuirassed bust seen from behind. It once formed part of the A. Cuzzi Collection, sold by Baranowski in 1929, and is cited both in BMC and RIC.
1000 CHF
800 CHF
2200 CHF
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